Asiapac Talents specialises in Hospitality, Banking & Investment, Pharmaceutical & Healthcare, Logistics & Supply Chain Solutions, Advertising and Public Relations. We have been servicing clients from Asia Pacific especially in their talent search.

Our footprints in the countries of Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Macau and China ..have brought us tremendous opportunities crossing path with a lot of interesting professionals. Our database's inquisition who have always wanted to find out more on the latest developments and happenings of the other part of the region, have inspired us to launch "Our Sharings".

"Our Sharings" is a column contributed by Asiapac Talents' friends, associates, successful candidates, database from different parts of the world....They have put in an intended efforts and gone through a deliberate thought process to hand pick a topic of interest to share with you - it could be their professional skills, their lifestyle, their guidance in their career pursuit, their mouth watering secret recipe, their fighting history of achievements and many more....We sincerely hope “Our Sharings” would help us to be better connected.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their kindness and their willingness to share..

We hope “Our Sharings” would motivate all of us to interact, to learn, to get to know and to appreciate the experiences of others in enriching our knowledge and life outlook.

There will be a new sharing, immediately there are good sharing passed on and we hope you will find them refreshing.

Our authors welcome you to contact them, should you like to have further interactions from here.

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 A Yogi's Take on the Global Crisis!

In a scene from TS Eliot's 'The Cocktail Party' a young woman goes to see a psychiatrist. "I should really like to believe there is something wrong with me," she tells him, "because if there isn‘t, then there is something wrong with the world itself, and that‘s even more frightening!"

Readi ...
- Richard Schultz, Yoga Instructor, Yoga2Health (an American enjoying his peace in Malaysia)
 When we question..The path to be taken, The answer can be..right in front of your eyes ..

Dear Mate,

When we question,
The path to be taken..

The answer can be..
Right in front of our eyes..

I do hope this email of mine finds you all well....

Thinking of this simple quotes, really makes me realized how has it been inspiring me for these 8 year ...
- Ryan Poon, Chef de Cuisine, Jumeirah Beach Hotel (Malaysian in Dubai, UAE)
Is Your Investment Head In the Sand ?
 While Most of the Traditional Investors Are Tearing Their Hair Out In Frustration As Markets Tumble...

I have been involved in the investment market almost all my life.. I got to know the management of more than 10 years ago, while we like to associate each other about investment. The management of Asiapactalent helped me a lot in connecting to some quality associations/commu ... - William Wermine, Fund Manager Representative & Columnist (An American residing in Malaysia)

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